Indians Make Lousy Pedestrians
Indians can’t handle the firewater. Why not? Uhhhh…because of White racism! Yeah! Those evil White people force the Indians to drink liquor! Yeah! By the way, when are we Whites going to pay the...
View ArticleSpace Commander Says: DOD Video Calls White People Evil
(Above: Claude Levi-Strauss’ favorite people. He loved them. He probably had sexual fantasies about them). I’ll keep saying it: leftism is an attack on White Western culture. Period. Nothing else....
View ArticleWorthless Brown Potatoes, Shut Up
Seen on the web: “It’s quite interesting to witness the development of a new right that only applies to non-whites and that is the right to not be offended. Basically, it’s alright to offend white...
View ArticleWokeness was Born with the 1964 Civil Rights Act
1. All “civil rights” laws in America are based on the 14th Amendment, which wasn’t ratified properly because it was a Reconstruction-era law. 2. If humans are equal, why does America need “civil...
View ArticleTom Hanks and History
“History was mostly written by white people about white people like me, while the history of Black people — including the horrors of Tulsa — was too often left out.” — actor Tom Hanks, in a New York...
View ArticleEast vs. West, or Buddha in America
(Above: a Buddha statue. Most common is the seated Buddha; much rarer is the standing Buddha). Seen on a video clip: a giant Buddha statue. At first I thought it was in Thailand. But it was in...
View ArticleThe War on Whiteness Covers All the Bases, From A to Z
Politics. Healthcare. Sports. Food. Drink. Everything under the sun is now closely scrutinized for any elements of Whiteness. “There’s some Whiteness! Run! Hide!” It’s a “full court press” against...
View ArticleThoughts on SJWs
Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) are working hard to tear down White Western culture. The most successful culture in history. How is tearing down White Western culture “social justice”? How is...
View ArticleFollowing a Brown Person for a Day, or, Who Needs White Technology? (They Do)
Note: (WT) = White Technology Brown Bob works for a construction company. He lives in a house that was built with/by (WT), e.g., concrete, architectural blueprints, electric saws, electric drills,...
View ArticleDefining the White Leftist Mindset in One Paragraph
Defining the White, leftist mindset, as it relates to White culture, in one paragraph: White leftism is ultimately a jealous and angry attack on White males because they invented the world, and indeed...
View ArticleTearing Down White History, One Statue at a Time
When will this end? It won’t end. It’ll keep going and going. And then they’ll find other White things to destroy. Because liberalism is all about destroying. Liberalism does not build anything. It...
View ArticleOur Burden, Christianity
(Above: Jesus). A top scientist once said (paraphrasing): “there have been more insane things done, or good things not done, in the name of Christianity than in any other thing.” Yep. Like a White...
View ArticleVideo: a Cooper
A traditional cooper (a wood worker). “A man should have a talent in his hands,” someone said. (Disclaimer: I have no connection to this video channel). [Video, 52 minutes].
View ArticleQueer Science vs. Normal Science
The very idea that, if you are a queer, you will “do science” differently! (Although, granted, the homosexual brain is different from the heterosexual brain). Note in the video, beginning at about the...
View ArticleWhite Liberals Rejoice at Whites Becoming a Minority
“White Racists Are Evil and Deserve Payback for Past Treatment of Non-Whites” That’s not true at all. White people have given the world much more than they have taken away. Indeed, Whites invented the...
View ArticleRe-Post of the 2001 Peter Watson Article
I am actually surprised that the article is still online. I thought it would have vanished years ago. Watson is the author of 13 books, including “The Caravaggio Conspiracy” (1984). Western man stands...
View ArticleEvil White Male Oppressors, or, Same Planet, Different Worlds
Oh, those evil White heterosexual men! Must they dominate everything in the world??? Yes, they actually must! Because they are thinkers and doers. That’s what they do. They can’t help it [1][2][3]....
View ArticleWhite People: the Real Progressives
Liberals are, for some strange reason, called “progressives” (which of course isn’t true. They don’t make any progress at all. Destroying entire states, e.g., California, isn’t “progress”! They are...
View ArticleClown World Again, or, What White Genocide Looks Like
White people built the entire Western world. But now, if you merely say “it’s okay to be White” in the West, then it’s called “hate.” But how is that “hate”?? If anyone is filled with “hate” it’s the...
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